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Through a Wall by Single Mothers

Single Mothers

Through a Wall

Release Date: Oct 26, 2018

Genre(s): Pop/Rock, Alternative/Indie Rock, Post-Hardcore, Garage Punk

Record label: Dine Alone


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Album Review: Through a Wall by Single Mothers

Very Good, Based on 2 Critics

Exclaim - 70
Based on rating 7/10

For a band like Single Mothers, the space between too little and too much is where their music has thrived; they're self-aware enough to self-critique while still embracing their own clichés. Those familiar with the London, ON band might expect the same old gimmicks, but seconds into their new album Through a Wall, roaring applause is brought to a halt as we're told to "SHUT UP!" This is not a suggestion, but a demand. This is a different Single Mothers, and they have something to say.   Through a Wall is an electrifying pastiche of '90s ….

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Punknews.org (Staff)
Opinion: Excellent

Ontario's Single Mothers rarely miss the mark for me. Since I heard "Winter Coats" over five years ago I knew I'd be holding them a very high standard, and it's really amazing to see how they've lived up to expectations every release. Through A Wall dropped as a surprise and what I love most about it is it's so bold in that it goes right back to the sound of old after last year's Our Pleasure seemed to take a more catchy, melodic and dare I say, poppy route. Off the cuff, Single Mothers signal their intent with "Marathon" -- a buzzy post-hardcore snarlfest fit for fans of ATDI, Comadre and Life in Vacuum.

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