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Fixed Ideals by Muncie Girls

Muncie Girls

Fixed Ideals

Release Date: Aug 31, 2018

Genre(s): Pop/Rock

Record label: Specialist Subject


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Album Review: Fixed Ideals by Muncie Girls

Great, Based on 2 Critics

DIY Magazine - 80
Based on rating 4/5

Bridging the gap between punk and indie-pop, Muncie Girls straddle the same fine line as bands such as Diet Cig, Trust Fund and The Spook School, creating effervescent indie-pop that harbours DIY ideals and a punk attitude. 'Fixed Ideals' explores sexism, relationships (romantic or otherwise), and mental health. And while such topics might well feel well-trodden in recent years, Lande Hekt treats them with both humour, energy and eloquence.

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AllMusic - 70
Based on rating 7/10

If you took a pop-punk band and gave it a guitarist who could lay out big blankets of sound like J Mascis, you might end up with something like U.K. trio Muncie Girls, who deliver an engaging blend of hooks and firepower on their second album, 2018's Fixed Ideals. Guitarist Dean McMullen doesn't always go big on this material, but on tracks like "Jeremy," "Picture of Health," and "Fig Tree," he's not shy about letting his grunge and hard rock influences show, and his heavy approach adds plenty of muscle to the frameworks of these songs.

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