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Tears Of Injustice by Mdou Moctar

Mdou Moctar

Tears Of Injustice

Release Date: Feb 28, 2025

Genre(s): Pop/Rock

Record label: Matador


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Album Review: Tears Of Injustice by Mdou Moctar

Acceptable, Based on 2 Critics

musicOMH.com - 100
Based on rating 5

If Funeral For Justice was an eruption, here is its ghost, an echo of the same songs, reimagined in a raw, stripped-down form Mdou Moctar has spent the last decade redefining what rock music can be. As a guitarist, his playing is explosive and unrelenting, blending the hypnotic rhythms of Tuareg music with raw, high-voltage energy – he's clearly in the conversation for 'best guitarist in the world'. As a bandleader, he and his group – Ahmoudou Madassane (rhythm guitar), Mikey Coltun (bass), and Souleymane Ibrahim (drums) – have evolved into one of the most powerful rock (big R Rock) bands on the planet.

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PopMatters - 10
Based on rating 1/10

With each successive album, since he realized his rock god potential on 2019’s Ilana (The Creator), Nigerien singer-songwriter Mdou Moctar has been bringing more heat. Last year’s Funeral for Justice was an electric firestorm of guitar skill and trenchant political critique. Where could he possibly go from there? The opposite direction. Well, kind of.

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