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Postcards From by Fiona Brice

Fiona Brice

Postcards From

Release Date: Jun 3, 2016

Genre(s): Pop/Rock, Alternative/Indie Rock

Record label: Bella Union


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Album Review: Postcards From by Fiona Brice

Very Good, Based on 2 Critics

AllMusic - 80
Based on rating 8/10

Quietly announcing itself with the sunlit cascades of "Berlin," Fiona Brice's debut solo effort is a lovely collection of cinematic snapshots, each one inspired a different city. The veteran violinist and composer has already led an impressive career as a session player and arranger for everyone from Jay-Z to Vashti Bunyan. Her role as touring member and multi-instrumentalist sidewoman for British alt-rockers Placebo was one of her more constant and visible gigs of the 2000s.

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Record Collector - 60
Based on rating 3/5

Fiona Brice sums up her debut album perfectly when she says it has “one foot in the classical world and one in rock, but if anything, it’s more like film music”. Each of the 10 compositions are named after the place Brice began work on them. Most of them are cities (there’s a Thai island too – Koh Yao Noi) and the interesting, slightly confusing, thing is that the music does not conform to preconceived notions of what that place might be like.

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