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Lahs by Allah-Las



Release Date: Oct 11, 2019

Genre(s): Pop/Rock

Record label: Mexican Summer


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Album Review: Lahs by Allah-Las

Fairly Good, Based on 2 Critics

Exclaim - 70
Based on rating 7/10

Allah Las are back and groovier than ever. After a few years travelling, the band have honed their worldly perspective while maintaining their breezy Californian outlook on their new record LAHS. Taking a much beachier approach than 2016's Calico Review, these influences are apparent— with each song almost as an ode to an specific time and place, the band's fourth full-length record paints a hazy portrait of the vibey idealism they inhabit.   Opening track "Holding Pattern" could just as easily be a Grateful Dead track, if Jerry Garcia ….

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Clash Music - 60
Based on rating 6

The summer holidays may be nothing more than a distant memory, thankfully there are other, slightly less conventional, ways to bring back the sunshine. Throughout their 11 years as a band Allah-Las have been a consistent source of sweet, sweet summertime vibes. On 'LAHS', their fourth studio album, the Los Angeles group return to pay their respects to the Sun God, to mixed results.

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