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Everything Still Worries Me by Abbie Ozard

Abbie Ozard

Everything Still Worries Me

Release Date: Jul 25, 2024

Genre(s): Pop/Rock

Record label: House Anxiety


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Album Review: Everything Still Worries Me by Abbie Ozard

Excellent, Based on 2 Critics

The Line of Best Fit - 80
Based on rating 8/10

With her doting cuts and delicate narratives, sitting in the same vein as artists such as Phoebe Green, Pixey, and Lauran Hibberd, Ozard champions sugary-sweet soundscapes ("how are you holding up?") and girl-power ("miss american dream") in an often male-dominated industry. Following on from her ….

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Clash Music
Opinion: Excellent

Liverpool indie-pop songwriter Abbie Ozard has had a real journey of personal growth over the last few years. Her early standout singles such as 'Growing Pains' , 'Heartbreak Radio' and 'tv kween' radiate a warming, coming-of-age feel, as if the songs could be soundtracking sunny summer school holidays, the kind where you go through many formative experiences, from cross-country roadtrips to broken hearts and young romance. Over these last few years, it feels as though Abbie and her music has gone through the same coming-of-age experience, constantly growing in depth and thoughtfulness, finally resulting in her debut album 'everything still worries me', a record packed full of the same playful melodies that make her music so infectious yet laced with an added undercurrent of mature reflection.

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